
We have secondary unexplained IF and after 7m/c and every test and hormone we are still left with no answers. We are now looking at International adoption. I enjoyed your site and would recommend it to a friend if they needed! Thank you for telling your story.


i had a miscarriage november 4 2004 i was carring twins boys i was 5 months and i was put on bed rest right away but i did things around the house and went places i stressed alot argued alot i did so many things that i shouldn't have done when i was preg. and i know that you said that its not my fault that there is nothing one can do but i just don't believe it i morn for my babies even now i can't look at babies or preg. women what can i do to finally get over my greif and i know this sounds horrible but what can i do to just forget or move on or whatever i just don't want to think about them anymore can you help me?


Thank-you so much for putting this web site together. I had a D&C last week at 9 1/2 weeks when I learned the baby had not grown past 6 weeks. I had planned for this baby emotionally and financially for years. So-now the planning is gone and fate is left. I wish there were more statistics out there. I wish I could find why my baby didn't self abort for 3+ weeks. Your site is the only site that came close to answering all of my questions. Bless you!


Thank you for your website and all of its wonderful information. I just miscarried this week, I was supposed to be 6 weeks along, and my "sac" was only 3 weeks along and stopped growing, and I ended up miscarrying on the day I was to go to the doctor for the first big visit, I'm still in denial and I feel like no one really understands. Your website helped me realize I'm not alone and that others have felt the same things I am feeling right now. Thank you!! Kelli Plemons


I, too, am looking for the song "Jesus' Rocking Chair", as I volunteer at a local Pregnancy Care Center in my area! I searched on the 'Net on several sites and many of them said the song was "out of print" or what ever. :(


Thank you for shareing your story.God bless all of your children and both you and John


Thankyou so much for providing this information - it has answered so many of my questions. Amanda


I just want to say thank you because the story you shared with your second pregnancy after your lost encouraged me a lot. I feel like you I am only going into my 6th week and I am scared. However I feel excited and different the 1st pregnancy I had problems from day one this time I feel great. I just want to know is it most likely common that after you have one miscarriage you will have another one. Even though it has been 5 years for me I am still very scared and so is my fiance. Again your story gave me hope and Casey is watching over you and Faith rather you know it or not. God Bless You.


I just gave birth 3 weeks ago today to twin boys who were stillborn at 21 weeks. I was glad to see that you were able to get pregnant again after your loss of Casey. I pray that I will too. Your stories really touched me and I think helped me, too. I have been to afraid to go to a support group - I figured all I would do is cry but reading your stories has helped. Thank You.


Just had my second miscarriage. This time it is so much harder then the first. I am feeling pain in my body I did not the first time. The fear is so great I can not stop crying. Having a six year old daughter and a loving husband is making me get over this. But when will this pain from the miscarriage go away. I will tell you when NOW, reading your words and that of others makes me feel strong. I WILL OVERCOME THIS, I have too. I must for our daughter now. Thank you Deanna you truly are a gift, an ANGEL, with healing powers. For those of us with fear, you are a gift. blessings to all ladies here and their family p.s if anyone wants to talk feel free to share along with me. Diana




Thank you so much for having this page available. This is our first and God willing only miscarriage, and we were so confused and uneducated. I feel so much more confident in our decisions now and am ready to discuss the procedure with our doctor now. Thank you!


I miscarred a chid last May, it was the wost time of my life. I was told tha my cervix desnt close completly, I stay diolated to 3. The week before this happned I heard my son's heartbeatting. The doc told me that I can try again but to carrie i need to have surgery to close my cervix after i get pregnet. Is this safe? The other problem is the I lostMichael at 3 almost mounths..1 week shy, and my yestem is messed up to where I cant even get a hometest to read accurst until I am 3 mounths along. I also can not affiord a bloo test at this tme and I think I may be pregnat. Do you have any sujestions?


Absaloutly wonderful, thank you for such detailed information that I so desprately was looking for.



I really enjoyed this ENTIRE website. When I entered my name in the "Angel Dedication" page I felt like my baby was real even though he/she did not survive. Thank you


i learned things I didn't know about on this website...thanks so much


I lost a babe angel,was my best gift in christmas bud him want to go with God. I love my babe angel.Forget me. Mom


Thank You so much for this website. I was feeling so alone after my miscarriage this past Friday. I was 8 weeks along and so happy. My husband and I feel so lost and not sure what really happened. This site has helped ease our mind and has given us information that we can use to begin the healing process. It has also allowed me to recognize my child through the angel dedications as just that "my child".

God Bless You. Karen Demotses


I suffered a miscarriage five years ago and it is still fresh on my mind every single day. I came across your website and was filled with so much emotion. I cried for so long and then when I made my angel dedication I felt so much better. I carry that angel with me everyday. I have been blessed with two other children and they know about their brother in heaven. I have his ultrasound picture up in our living room so I can see him everyday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words, information and just being somebody who has been there and knows. May God Bless you and your family.


In your info about blighted ovum it was stated that the sack grows as normal but no baby grows. Well I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks to confirm my dates and a little heart beat was there for us to see yet when I started bleeding at 17 weeks no baby had grown, but it was there once. Was this really a blighted ovum?? It doesn't matter I suppose because the outcome was the same, my baby was dead. I did find the topic informative though and am happy to say I am expecting again any day soon.


Thank you for this website. I had a miscarriage 20 months ago and still struggle with it daily. I felt so alone until tonight when I found the site. I am hoping to get pregnant again, but I am also afraid. I don't know if I could deal with a second miscarriage. My mind tells me it probably wouldn't happen again but my heart isn't so sure. Thanks for your insight.


Hello! Thank you for this wonderful site. You have said and shared things on here that I didn't think I would ever see. I had a miscarriage many years ago and I thought I was out of my mind to still have such strong feelings about it so many years later. Feelings of grief and sadness and disappointment. That was my first baby and when I became pregnant with my second child, my son, ten years later, I had a bad pregnancy and was sure that I would lose him too. He was born and he's healthy and he's now 13 years old, but I always felt silly for being so emotional over my first child. Thank you for letting me know that it's ok and 'normal" to have these feelings. I hope I can be of some help to women who have been through this ordeal more recently than my 22 years, but I'm glad to know there is nothing wrong with me for feeling this way all these years later. Thank you so much! Best wishes and please keep up the great work you're doing! Leilah


Dear Deanna:

I recently suffered a miscarriage. Although, I know there are no "answers", I have found your site to be one of the most informative sites. I physically feel better. I am working on my emotional well being. Reading more about the topic and knowing that I am not alone has really helped. Thanks again- Patricia Tracy



You are an angel sent from God to help others Deanna. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason, but I am yet to know the reason for my miscarriage. I intellectually can understand that my baby did not develop properly, but why in the grand scale of life did the universe do this. What is it trying to teach me? I want to thank you for this wonderful site. A chance to make a dedication to my baby that was so long in coming (4 years), that filled our lives with absolute joy when we heard of its coming. We cried when we heard our Angel was coming and we cried when we heard it had died. Your information has been comforting and very informative. After reading the Angel dedications I realised that my grief was normal and it gave me huge comfort knowing that I wasnt making " a big deal" of my loss. That I need time to grieve and that that might go on for along time. To our Angel, Mummy and Daddy love you with all our hearts and will never forget you. We will light a candle every xmas in your memory beside grandmas who is nursing you in Heaven.


Thank you so much for this site. I have recently experienced a miscarriage. It was my first pregnancy and we were so excited. We were trying and so we knew when we were only four weeks pregnant. We told so many people that we were expecting and then three weeks later I began spotting. I still feel very alone. Your web site has given me valuable information and a place to memorialize our baby when I know that soon most people will forget. It has been very comforting to come here and read what you've put together. THANK YOU!!! Sincerly, Amber Conners


Wow! All I can say is that you have done such an amazing service for all of us who have miscarried. I just miscarried my first pregnancy at 5 weeks. It has been hard and there are days when I feel okay and days when I feel so sad. But your site has made me feel so much hope for the future. You are truly an angel and keep up the great work. By the way, you also are a very talented web designer. I love how simple the site is.


I am a teenager and I think I am having a miscarriage. Your site really helped me. Thank you for having such a caring site.


Thank you for this beautiful and helpful site. I recently had a miscarriage (11/21/00) and we are devasted. This helps me understand things more clearly.


Thank You. It is so hard to go on.


Thank you for this web site. I am in the midst of a natural miscarraige. My doctor has given me relatively little information and I didn't even know the questions to ask. As awful as this is, I feel a little better thanks to all the information and personal story you shared. Emily Faith is beautiful...


I would like to say thankyou i've read so many books and they are all giving me different statistics and reasons but your time and effort into this site has colated it all together and given me such a great and realistic view. It is also so comforting hearing it from a woman who has been there aswell, not just some doctor talking over your head.



Thank you so much for this web site. I had a friend email this to me because I just recently had miscarried our first pregnancy. It answers alot of my concerns with losing a baby.


I am 18 years old and I believed I had a miscarriage just a few weeks ago. I panicked, but I did not tell anyone but my boyfriend. After reading your DEDICATIONS, I am now still looking forward to a baby. Since my recent scare of having a miscarriage, I beleive my pregnancy will be more healthy than it started off to be. I am even going to the doctor as soon as possible for prenatal care. I should be no more than two-three months pregnant.

Thank you. Alot of teenagers and women of age need a website such as yours.



Thankyou for your wonderful site. I am a teenager and have visited many sites but yours was infact the most useful. It is not often that a site will include teenagers and I think it is important for us to have a site that acnoliges the fact we too are sexually active and can undergo miscarriages just like those that are older. Well done.


It is so great that you have this site.It is helping me but right now I am sitting at work still cramping and bleeding from the miscarriage I am going through and I feel like I am going to lose my mind. I didnt think I could get pregnant with my endometriois but I did.It was unplanned and I didnt want it at first but soon I loved this baby so,so much.My boyfriend didnt want it and was horribble to me through out my pregnancy and he is relieved it is over now.My best friend is due to have her baby next month.I feel so alone.I look at her swollen belly and I want to scream,I want to cry.I look at my boyfriend and I want to hurt him like this is hurting me. Im trying not to cry as I type and these pains wash over me. I feel so confused.I dont understand why I am feeling so devastated. And I feel like this is my fault.The night before my miscarriage began I told my friend that I didnt know how to deal with how horribble the father had become to me and that maybe I should get an abortion.I DIDNT MEAN IT.I was just upset.I LOVED my baby.But I think she heard me and decided to die .I know that sounds crazy and illogical but it is the way I feel.I hate myself right now.I dont know what to do or where to turn.


Thank you for this site. I have had 2 miscarriages, 3 years apart. The last one was the hardest,and I really needed some information. Thank you again, it really helped a lot knowing I'm not alone


Well done. Bless you and your family. It is a big help to know that we are not alone.


I just recently miscarriaged a child, after having two children already. I was very touched by your site. Thanks for being there for me and so many others.


i had 3 times mis 3 times Dand C I would like to known side effect in future


Thanks for your help. I had a miscarriage in July and am now pregnant again. I spend almost all of my time worrying that it will happen again. Your site was very reassuring.


I would just like to thank all the women who shared their stories. I have been having a difficult time with my recent loss and finding this web site has helped me get through. Thank you all & God Bless:)


I am just glad I stumbled on to this web site, it is a big uplift to me.


Really like the wb sight and the angel dedications! Thank you for letting me include my angels! Tina


1st time i have been to miscarriage site,lots of emotions.I AM NOT ALONE!!!!my story is different from any other,will share if asked.write alot of poetry too.


Thank you for having such an easy to read, informative website. I am 8 weeks pregnant and was told yesterday that my baby's heartrate is extremely low and will probably die within the next few days... We are waiting for a miscarriage. I feel better knowing others feel the same grief I feel. Family and friends will never understand and never know the right thing to say. Thank you.


Thank You deanna, this is a wonderful site. I myself have had 6 m/c's 3 at 20 weeks and 2 at 13 weeks and 1 at 6 weeks. I also have 3 wonderful boys. Reading the stories of the other woman leaves me feeling alittle less lonely in my loss and grief. Again thank you for a site that enables those who have experienced loss to share there stories. Ginger


I would just like to thankyou for your Angel Dedication page. I lost my baby at 11 weeks only 7 days ago and am finding it hard to come toterms with. I feel very alone with my loss and I am finding alot of people dont understand the enormity of what has occurred, but your Angel Dedication page has helped me to not feel alone with what has happened and I have found some comfort in that . Thank you, Sandie

nk you . Sandie.


I would just like to thankyou for your Angel Dedication page. I lost at 11 weeks only 7 days ago and I am still finding it hard to come to terms with. I find very few people understand the enormity of the loss in my heart but reading the dedications has relieved some of the loneliness of it all. Thankyou so much. Sandie.


My name is Erin. I lost my baby at 12 wks about 1 month ago. I don't talk about it much to anyone anymore because they don't understand. I just bought a computer with some of the money I had saved for the baby and I decided to look for some information about miscarriage. I just want you to know that what you do is so important for people like me who experience miscarriage. THANK YOU


My name is Erin. I lost my baby at 12 wks about 1 month ago. I don't talk about it much to anyone anymore because they don't understand. I just bought a computer with some of the money I had saved for the baby and I decided to look for some information about miscarriage. I just want you to know that what you do is so important for people like me who experience miscarriage. THANK YOU


Deanna, hi. My name is Kristi, I am 18 yrs old, and i just suffred from a miscarrige of my month old baby. Or at least I think it was. Would you please e-mail me, I need to talk to someone.


hi it was nice to read your story, i had my miscarriage 2 weeks ago at 17 weeks. now the dr says the baby never developed. i am so glad your little girl was born healthy. the best job in the world is being a mom.


I found your website 2 weeks ago after my daughter suffered a miscarriage. I have told her about your site and she was equally impressed. I am finding each day very difficult since the loss of my sweet grandbaby. My daughter is my best friend and I feel that I cannot talk to her about how I am feeling because she is going through a harder time than I am right now. So I find myself visiting your site several times a day looking for hope and a way to get through each difficult day. They want to get pregnant again soon and it scares me to death. I don't know if we can go through 9 months of fear and possible heartbreak again. I know I must sound so selfish.


I have been through 2 miscarriages, several years apart. I felt so alone and without answers the first time around. It took along time to heal!! This site has been a huge blessing through my 2nd miscarriage. I came to the site feeling so much pain and left feeling comforted!! I found answers ans people I could relate to. Being able to make my angel dedications (which I did for both babies) was wonderful! It made me feel that I could bring closure to those parts of my life and I could express what was in my heart and be heard! Deanna, you are a God Send!


Thank you for having this sight. For me it was finding someone who understood how I felt even before I knew what I felt. Someone who understands and someone who could answer my questions. This has been a difficult time and I am thankful for your site. I also appriciate the Angel Dedication pages. Thank you Thank you!!!!!


Thank you for this site. I am going to have a D&C tomorrow and it was good to read about what to expect. The information on this site is very helpful.

Anne Trapp


Ihad a misscarriage in Feb.2000. It was our first pregnancy. We were so happy. I lost the baby at 5 weeks I found out at nine. I went for a D&C which was awful. We are trying again it has been six months and I am really scared that we will never have a baby. People around me are sick of hearing me talk about it so I found your site. I just needed to talk about it. My doctors want us to try for a year I CAN'T wait that long. Thank you


Ihad a misscarriage in Feb.2000. It was our first pregnancy. We were so happy. I lost the baby at 5 weeks I found out at nine. I went for a D&C which was awful. We are trying again it has been six months and I am really scared that we will never have a baby. People around me are sick of hearing me talk about it so I found your site. I just needed to talk about it. My doctors want us to try for a year I CAN'T wait that long. Thank you


I lost my angel baby march-6-00 , I was 2 1/2 months along.Its been almost 6 months now since my misscarriage and I still blame myself for what happened.I feel like iam going crazy somedays.I feel like im alone at times. I recently lost a friend who is pregant because she kept braging bout being preg.(Iam happy for her) and I told her it hurt my feelings... well I havent heard from her since.I am sooo sad. I want to find counseling but i don't know were to begin. Please ...if your listening ,please e-mail me .


Many, many "Thanks" to you, for your time, effort and very important information you have dedicated. I had just 45 minutes ago experienced my loss of My angel "Baliey" when everyone in my home was asleep. I, feeling alone confused to what just occurred- unknowledged to what to do next or even feel. So Thanks to the internet could turn to for quick late night info. You have helped me so greatly!! It is now 1 a.m. and no one knows as of yet of our loss- at 2months pregnant. This is our second pregnancy and we were exstatic that all would of been perfect timing, due date, also the ages between kids. It just goes to show you - not all is as it seems. Thank you for the information on what to do with the tissues...It is a scary thing to see and then to know what to do with them. The naming of the angels also, I just dedicated mine to your wonderful memory list of God's angels. What a way to help cope with and to put it all in a positive perspective. I have tears running down my face where I can't even read what I am typing-but I am glad I will have a place to turn to (this site) for understanding. Thanks for being there when I really needed YOU! You are an Angel as well. Cathi~


Hi, I am pregnant for the 2nd time, the 1rst pregnancy was a blighted ovum which I miscarried naturaly. It was the most awful experience of my life. That was over two years ago and now after pergonal & IUI procedures I am pregnant again. I found your sight by searching for m/c statistics and boy did I find them. The information you have provided is extremely helpful. It is so much better than reading through a bunch of q&a from a patient to a doctor you so offten find. I only wish I had found this sight during the time of my actual loss. I am of course worried about the chances of m/c with my new pregnancy and your statistics and related info has eased some of my tension and provided me with great questions for my doctor. Sorry this is so long, but I was overwhelmed by this wonderful dicovery. Thank you sooo much for dedicating your time enery and emotions to this sight. I am sure you have helped many many many people.




I had a miscarriage on 15th March of this year after being dianosed as being infertile, I had all the investigations and was prescribed Clomid, Paul and I were delighted when we became pregnant early this year. The baby had died at 6 weeks but I carried him for ten weeks unaware that he had died. My heart had broken and I thought that at 37years of age that I had blown my last chance of concieving again. In June of this year 3months after the miscarriage we found out that we were pregnant again. I have had weekly scans since my pregnancy was confirmed. This week we found out the there is no yolk sac and we have to wait a further 7 days to see whether the pregnancy will continue. Strangely it is week 6 again. I am not sure that I could go through this pain again. I feel so preganant and yet I probably not. The wait is unbearable.


It was comforting to read other stories and dedicate my children as angels. At least there is someting to remember them by


Dear Deanna, I would like to thank you for writing me back so quickly. I talked to my doctor yesterday and he is going to run a scan on my cervix and uterus to make sure everythings okay. You're the first bperson that has made me feel this good about my baby inside me. I really do believe now that my child will be okay. I finally have faith and I couldn't have done it without your help. Thank you Deanna! Summer.


In reading the different stories, and suggestions, I found that almost all of them suggested that the people enduring the miscarriages were older and in the position to "try again." I would love to see something aimed more towards young people. It was a hard thing to first find out that you were pregnant at a young age, but then to find out you went through the emotions and sickness for nothing. It would be additionally helpful to have something for young mothers. Thank you




I can't even begin to tell you how much i think of the angel dedications,April 13 i had a miscarriage because of a blighted ovum and knowing i can come back to see what i wrote then helps me feel better knowing there is some place for my baby besides my heart. I 'm happy to say that i am six weeks pregnant. I'm so scared that i'll miscarry again. I don't know how i could handle it all again specially since i'm not over my first miscarriage. your site helps alot Thank you Wanda-Lee


Thank you so much for your web site and info, I didn't have very much understanding support this really helped me by naming the baby i lost at 3 months pregnant


This web site is terrific. After suffering 3 miscarriages, the last one being 10 months ago, I wish I would have found this site earlier. Also, anothr great book on dealing with the loss of a child is "I'll Hold You In Heaven." Thanks again for dedicating a site to such a heart felt situation.


I have a friend, that has told her husband that she had a miscarriage, well i am very unbelieving of her story. I have a very big heart, so I would like to research my own facts so I know that she is not using this very misfortune as a get through on her family, and letting him grieve for nothing. She went to the hospital for a urinary tract infection, came home 2 hours later and stated that she had a miscarriage. she did not bleed, also she took a home pregnancy test the night before, came back negative, and also about 2 weeks ago, also came back negative. but she tells him that the doctor told her that she was about 8 to 12 weeks along. so she said they cleaned her out and sent her home. did no blood work, and explained nothing to her. I asked if they did a D & C, and she had no idea what that was. so i guess my questions are... do you always bleed when you are miscarring? if you miscarry how long is your hospital stay? do you always have a d&c? if she in fact was pregnant, wouldn't that show on a test? Do they do blood work at the hospital? if you could please include anything else that you might feel might be useful. I am getting very discouraged to think that she could be lying, using a baby to her defense. it is very sad, so please write if you would. thank you.


Thank you for your site. It was so helpful to me.


Thank you for this much needed outlet, I have had all of these emotions bottled up. I had to go back to work, I wasn't ready, don't know if I ever would have been. I have a family that needed me & loved me, but I still feel empty inside sometimes. I just wanted to say thank you for letting me get some of those emotions and feelings out it is a wonderful thing you are doing. Thanks for caring. Beverly K. Chavez


I miscarried last week and was unaware there was anywhere to turn until I found your web site. I must admit I feel guilty grieving over a two month old baby after hearing about all the other babies and how old they were. We have been blessed with a child we had five years ago, this would have been our second. Your web site was so comforting to me, it gave me straightforward answers that I wasn't getting anywhere else. It also let me know that my feelings are real and I wasn't alone. God sent me to you and I am very thankful, your website has helped in a time I didn't think anything could. Thank you and God bless you.


I was unaware of how many other women had lost their babies. I would have been approximately 4-5 weeks pregnant. I did a home pregnancy test which turned out to be positive, and the next day I lost my baby. I felt as if I was the only one who had suffered such a tragic loss. When I found your web site on the net, particularly the Angel Dedications, I put a dedication in for my unborn baby. It has helped with the healing process a lot. My partner and I are trying for another baby, but in the back of my mind is the fear that I will miscarry again. Only time will tell, I guess. Once again, thank you for having such a helpful site on the net.


I would just like to thank you for all the information available on your website. It offered me a lot of support when I really needed it after my miscarriage a week ago. I am so thankful for websites like this.


I would like to have you e-mail me with all the information you have on Partial Molar Pregnancies. According to my doctor this is what I had, twice within one year. This is my moms e-mail. Thank You, Carolyn Queen


Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I am truly grateful to have found this web site. I feel that my husband and I are not alone and the feelings that I have having are "normal". Again I would like to thank you for providing this great service for parents in need.


I have 2 boys and just found out that we were expecting our third child in November. I miscarried on March 25th, 2000, and was devistated. I hurt so bad inside and feel very depressed and confused. This web site makes me feel that it is okay to grieve and feel sad from our losses. I was only 6 1/2 weeks along but to my husband and me,...that was our child. Thank you so much for having this web site, and thanks for letting me share my story with others just as others have shared theirs with me. Its nice to know that I'm not alone in all of this.


Dear Deanna, Thank you so much for creating this site. I miscarried in January after 2 1/2 years of infertility. It is by far the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. Just knowing there are others who understand and share my pain is comforting. You are an angel for sharing your story and allowing us to share ours. Thank you. Love, Patti


I have had a much harder time this week - the week my baby would have been due than I did in August when I miscarried. I cannot tell you how reading the angel dedications made me feel. Such a help!! Thank you.


Your Angel Dedication one of many ways I was able to let my 7 prescious babies know I love and miss them dearly. I am sad to say the pain and hurt never goes away not even with time.


(This sight is one of the most blessed memorials). I was 17 when I found out I was preganant, with a 33 yr. old mans baby. He didn't want me or the baby. I wanted it so bad, I worried myself sick about it. On March the third, I started bleeding very heavily, I ended up going to the hospital and was told they could not find a heart beat and that this was a threatend miscarriage. They told me it would soon come out so to save the tissue and fetus for autopsy. The next night(my 18th birthday). It happened in the shower. This perfectly formed little baby layed at my feet at the bottom of a bathtub. I was told to expect it, and thought emotionally I could handle it, but it felt like I had lost a part of my body. I cried for my boyfriend to come into the bathroom and I told him what happened, so he got a ziplock bag and placed my precious, innocent, baby into that bag, wrapped it into a towel. We called my doctor and he told us to bring it with us that Monday to my follow up appointment. So for two days my baby was kept in a plastic bag somewhere in that room. I had this horrible urge to keep going back to look at it. My boyfriend wouldn't let me because he thought it wasn't a good idea. I was so hurt and upset. It has been two weeks since that has happened, and I never would have gotten through that night without the best man in my life, my boyfriend wasn't even the baby's father, but he took care of it and me that night like it was his own. I haven't got to talk to anybody about this yet who understands so I am very grateful for this and your strength to tell everyone about your experience, believe me it's one of the nicest things anybody has done to help me out. If this is an organization that needs funding to keep it up, I would love to help sponsor it, please contact me.


Thank you for your web site. I recently had a miscarriage, and found this site to be very comforting. I have been doing a lot of research on the topic and found your site very informative! Thank You!!!!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to put together this web site! I found the material to be accurate and complete. I found that most books and websites just skim the surface and you go a little deeper. Navigation was also very easy. Thank you! I do not have a private email address so I am not completing the next section.


My name is Lisa nad I am 25. I am scared,confused, and hurting, but I had to tell you that your web site, on everything, is a god-sent. I loved everything, and it felt like to me, that it came straight from the heart of the person who wrote it. I found it very informative and comforting.I had a miscarriage this Tuesday and I feel so alone, even though I had people around and with me. Thank you for helping me.


I was so relieved to find a web site about miscarriage and other things. I just lost my 3rd baby yesterday and i'm very confused on my feelings. I would really like some feed back from someone who knows what i'm dealing with. I'm really not sure how to feel at this point. I would love to share my story with others and if nothing else....just to get this off my chest and my feelings out in the open. Please help me deal with this. I really need someone to talk to. Thank you for this website!


I hope I have enough room to write this-I lost my little girl when I was 24 weeks along to anencephaly it was a devestating experience for my husband and I. With in the next year or so we also had two other miscarriages. One day when I came home someone had left an envelope with the following poem in it : Title BABY TEARS We cried tears when we learned that a child would be, That our God had allowed you to quicken in me. We cried tears with our loved ones as they shared our joy... and we thought about names for a girl or a boy. I cried tears as I thought of the things we would do.. and all of the things your daddy would pass on to you... And I cried as I thought of each inch you had grown... And I pondered the day that you'd make yourself known. Then to think of the world you must enter brought fears, Once again, little loved one, your mother cried tears. Something's wrong, I can tell - once again there are tears.... And I'll not get the chance to hold you through the years. Oh the ache and the sorrow and all of the pain.. And again, yes again, my tears fell like rain. Then His peace comes to me as I think of you there...gently rocking with Father is His favorite chair. Your sweet little fingers clenched tight in His palm, and His Son softly swinging to help you keep calm. Our God knew your days before you came to be.. and He knew little one you would not stay with me. So I cry, but I know that when this life is done, I will greet and embrace you my sweet little one. There's a time to be born and a time to die.. And the joy and sorrow both make us cry!


thank you so much for caring about others when you were experiencing trying times. i feel at peace knowing that i am not crazy for feeling so sad. i am very greatful to you. thinking of you-stephanie


This is great web site.Today I found out i miscarried.My husband is in the navy and left a few days ago for a 6month deployment,so he doesn't know we lost the baby.Recently we just moved so I really don't know anyone and family is in other states.I just felt really alone,but thankfully i have the chance to read this site.It has help,thank you


This is a beautiful site. I recently miscarried and am having a difficult time. Are there other women who want to talk about their situation? Does it help the grieving process?


Your website is wonderful!!!! I have not been able to heal going in four years of losing our little girl.I never knew sites like this even exsited until today. I thank you for allowing me to add my sweet angel to your board. Her name is Destiney Faith Hope Locklear. Thank you so much for letting me finally have something tangiable of my sweet baby..Vera Locklear..May GOD Bless You.


I just had a miscarriage yesterday and I'm feeling like I'm having the worst nightmare of my life. Going to the site really helped me realize its ok to grieve and be mad and be sad and not want to even try to get pregnant again.


Thank you for getting the dedications working again.


Thank you for providing this needed information. It's presented in a very clear, empathetic manner.


We entered three dedications and still never got to view our dedication, for our little angels.


I would like to have info on Name certificate's that you mentioned at a memorial site, thank you


Thank you for giving us an opportunity to place a dedication to our babies.


I am so glad you upgraded the site! It looks wonderful! I can't wait for all the topics to be finished. They sound very helpful. Thank you!


I miscarried a week and a half ago. I was 10 weeks and it was our first pregnancy/baby. I read Deanna's story and her journal with Faith. I felt I was reading my own thoughts. My husband and I want to start trying again when we can. Anyway, reading her story made me feel like I am not alone and that I am not the only one with all those thoughts. I was somehow comforted by her story and felt better knowing that she was able to have a healthy baby the second time around. Anyway, thanks Deanna for putting your story out for others to read.